Saturday, August 4, 2012

Afterthought: Deep Wounds Will Heal

I noticed after the fact that I never actually paused to comment on the victims of the Colorado Massacre in my "Our American Problem" blog, other than mentioning the number of casualties. However, I'm not like Vladimir Stalin who once said, "One singular death is a tragedy, one million deaths is a statistic"; I believe in fairness, equality and justice to the memory of those who died that night. You see, I don't mourn statistics or death tolls, I mourn fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, aunts, friends, lovers. One story that has arisen from this tragedy is of the boyfriends who died valiantly protecting their girlfriends. Instead of ABC opening up with the troubled mental history of James Holmes, why didn't it do it with the story of these brave men instead? They were the true superheroes that night. 

I offer my love and best wishes to all the victims of the Coloroado Massace, those who died and those who still live, and their families and loved ones. And if I can say anything in parting that will serve as consolation, I'd say deep wounds will heal. I know myself.